March 03. 2012 - Competitions Update
The Battalion Junior Section General Knowledge Quiz was won
by 2nd Consett, the Company Section Table Tennis was also won by 2nd
Consett as was the Junior Section Indoor Games. The Junior Section
Scripture Quiz was won by 17th Delves Lane.
December 06, 2011 - Competitions Update
The Battalion has already held a number of competitions
this session. We have had Junior and Company Section 5 A-Side
football as well as the Junior Section Olympiad and the Company
Section Darts and Pool competitions. Full results will follow soon.
December 06, 2011 - News Update
It is with sadness that the 1st Newton Hall Company were foreced to
close. Every effort was made to keep the company running but it
proved to be an impossible task and the difficult decision was taken
to formally close the company.
February 18, 2011 - Competitions Update
2nd Consett hosted the Battalion Co & Snr section table
tennis competition on February the 1st. Three teams took part in the
competition. The table tennis was excellent and a good night was had
by all. 2nd Consett won the competition with Lanchester finishing as
runners up and Delves Lane in third place.
2nd Consett hosted the Battalion Jnr section indoor games competition on February 15. Four teams took part in the competition. Lanchester won with Consett in second, Delves Lane in third and Blackhill in fourth place.
January 25, 2011 - Competitions Update
2nd Consett hosted the first Battalion Wii 10 Pin Bowling Competition
for Company Section lads this
week. There were three teams at what was a real fun night. Everyone
thoroughly enjoyed the night and the competition was excellent. 2nd
finished as winners with the highest total team score.
December 09, 2010 - Competitions Update
We have had one Junior Section competition so far this
session. This was the Olympiad and it was hosted by 5th Blackhill.
Delves Lane won the competition with Consett second and Blackhill in
third place. The Junior Section 5 A-Side has been postponed until
the spring.
The Company Section have managed to hold one competition this session and that was the Darts hosted by Consett. The competition was won by Lanchester with Consett second and Delves Lane in third place. The Pool competition was a victim of the weather and will be rearranged for later in the session.
June 22, 2010 - Battalion Drill Competitions
After a quiet period of time for the company sections with
regard to competitions, things picked up again as Consett played
host to the Battalion Basic and Ceremonial Drill Competitions. 2nd
Consett retained the Battalion Colours in the Ceremonial Drill
Competition and finished as runners up to 14th Lanchester in the
Basic Drill Competition.
February 27, 2010 - National Masterteam - Round 3
2nd Consett hosted the third round of the National
Masterteam competition. Teams travelled from Sutton in Ashfield,
Haslington, Liverpool and Hartlepool for the competition. It was an
excellent competition, closey fought all the way through. The final
result was as follows :- 1st, 35th Liverpool (65.5 points). 2nd, 2nd
Sutton-in-Ashfield (57.5 points). 3rd, 2nd Consett (57 points). 4th,
1st Haslington (54.5 points). 5th, 8th Hartlepool (35.5 points).
Congratulations to 35th Liverpool and thanks to Tom Moffatt who was
questionmaster for the event.
February 9, 2010 - Battalion Junior Section Indoor Games
2nd Consett hosted the Junior Section indoor games
competition. There were four companies at the competition. It was an
action packed night and the lads work very hard at the games. The
final result saw Blackhill finish as winners and Delves Lane as
runners up with Lanchester in third and us in fourth.
February 2, 2010 - Battalion Company & Senior Table
Consett hosted the Battalion Company and Section Table Tennis
Competition. There were three companies in attendance. Everybody
played everybody and the results were as follows. Lanchester beat
Delves Lane 9-0, Consett beat Delves Lane 9-0 and Consett beat
Lanchester 7-2. The overall result was Consett in first place,
Lanchester in second place and Delves Lane in third.
January 30, 2010 - National Table Tennis - Round 2
2nd Consett hosted the second round of the National Table Tennis
Competition. They played 1st Burton in Kendal. Burton in Kendal
won a one sided contest easily 9-0. Best wishes them the best of
luck for the remainder of the competition.
January 16, 2010 - National
Masterteam - Round 2
2nd Consett travelled to 1st Morecambe and Heysham for
the second round of the National Masterteam quiz. This was a
journey that had looked to be very unlikely the week before, but
thankfully the cold weather released it's grip enough that they
could make the trip safely. Consett made a great start to the
competition taking the lead in round 1 and they then held that
lead through every round of the competition. 2nd Consett
finished as winners of the round and along with runners up the
8th Hartlepool have qualified for the next round.
December 04, 2009 - National Table Tennis - Round 1
2nd Consett company travelled to the 17th Teeside
Company for the first round of the National Table Tennis. After
and excellent night of Table Tennis 2nd Consett finished as 8-1
winners. They now face a home tie with 1st Burton in Kendal.
December 03, 2009 - Competition Results
Junior Section 5 A-Side - 1st Lanchester, 2nd Delves
Junior Section Olympiad - 1st Blackhill, 2nd Delves Lane, 3rd
Lanchester, 4th Consett
December 02, 2009 - Battalion Company & Senior
Section Pool
2nd Consett hosted the Battalion Company & Senior Section Pool competiion. There were three companies in the competition, with
5 teams in total taking part. Lanchester won, with Delves Lane
in second place and Consett were third.
November 28, 2009 - National Masterteam - Round 1
2nd Consett travelled to the 8th Hartlepool for the first round
of the National Masterteam Quiz. Despite not having had a full
nights sleep (due to the companies allnight activity night) the
team put in a great performance. They won the round
and posted one of their highest points totals ever. 2nd
Consett's officers and lads would
like to thank the 8th Hartlepool for their excellent
November 10, 2009 - Battalion Company and Senior Section
2nd Consett played host to the Battalion Company Section Darts.
There were two companies in the competition with a total of three
teams. It was another good night of competition with Consett
winning the competition and Lanchester finishing second and
June 19, 2009 - Battalion Junior Section Field Day
Lanchester hosted the Junior Section Field Day. Three companies took
part with the final result being 1st Lanchester, 2nd Delves Lane and
3rd Consett
June 9, 2009 - Battalion Junior Section 7 A-Side
Lanchester hosted the Junior Section 7 A-Side competition. Three
companies took part and the final result was 1st Lanchester, 2nd
Delves Lane and 3rd Consett.
May 19, 2009 - Battalion Cross Country
Lanchester hosted the Battalion Cross Country at St Bede's School.
There were four companies competing in the competition. The final
results were as follows. Junior Section - 1st Lanchester, 2nd
Consett, 3rd Delves Lane and 4th Catchgate. Company & Senior Section
- 1st Consett, 2nd Lanchester and 3rd Delves Lane. The overall
result was 1st Consett, 2nd Lanchester, 3rd Delves Lane and 4th
May 12, 2009 - Battalion Company & Senior Section Colour
2nd Consett were the hosts and only competitor in the Battalion
Company & Senior Section Drill Competition. We carried out the set
movements for the inspecting officer Tommy Murphy of Consett ATC. We
scored 83 points out of 100.
April 27, 2009 - Battalion Junior Section Uni-Hoc
Lanchester hosted the Junior Section Uni-Hoc competition. Three
companies took part in the competition. The final result was 1st
Lanchester, 2nd Delves Lane and 3rd Consett..
April 27, 2009 - Battalion Company & Senior Section Basic
2nd Consett played host to the Basic Drill Competition.
Tommy Murphy of Consett ATC acted as inspecting officer. There were
two teams in the competition. Consett won the competition with
Lanchester finishing as runners up.
March 26, 2009 - Battalion Company & Senior Section
Scripture Quiz
17th Delves Lane played host to the
Battalion Scripture Quiz for the Company and Senior Sections. Rev
Les Nevin was the questionmaster for the competition. It was an
excellent quiz with all the the teams demonstrating the amount of
preparation work that they had done. Consett won the competition
with Delves Lane in second place and Lanchester third.
March 9, 2009 - Battalion Junior Section Scripture Quiz
Delves Lane hosted the Junior Section Scripture Quiz. Three
companies took part in a close competition. Lanchester finished as
winners of the competition, Consett were runners up and Delves Lane
were third.
March 3, 2009 - Battalion Company & Senior Section Table
2nd Consett hosted the rearranged Table Tennis competition.
Two teams took part in the competition. With Delves Lane beating
Consett 5-4 to win the competition.
February 28, 2009 - National Masterteam Quiz - Semi Final
2nd Consett travelled to the 4th Carlisle Company to take part in
the semi final of the National Masterteam. The quiz was dominated by
two teams throughout. The final result was 1st - 1st Haslington, 2nd
- 2nd Sutton in Ashfield, 3rd - 35th Liverpool, 4th - 2nd Consett,
5th - 16th Liverpool and 6th - 4th Carlisle. 2nd Consett would like to take
this opportunity to wish 1st Haslington the best of luck for the
National Final. Many thanks to 4th Carlisle for their excellent
February 3, 2009 - Battalion Company & Senior Section
Table Tennis
Postponed due to weather
January 28, 2009 - Battalion Junior Section General
Knowledge Quiz
Lanchester hosted the General Knowledge quiz. There were
three teams in the competition. The final result was 1st Lanchester,
2nd Consett and 3rd Delves Lane
January 22, 2009 - Battalion Junior Section Olympiad
The Junior Section Olympiad took place at Lanchester, Two teams took
part and the final result was 14th Lanchester and 17th Delves Lane
finished as joint winners,
January 17, 2009 - National Masterteam
Quiz : Round 2
2nd Consett travelled to 1st Ormskirk for the second round
of the competition. After 35th Liverpool made a blistering start to
the quiz the battle for second place in the quiz was very close all
the way through the competition. The final result was 35th Liverpool
(59.5), 2nd Consett (44.5), 16th Liverpool (43), 4th Carlisle (39),
1st Ormskirk (38.5) and 1st Morecambe (24). After finishing in
second place 2nd Consett now progress to the Semi Final of the
competition. Many thanks to 1st Ormskirk for the excellent
January 10, 2009 - National Senior 5
A-Side : Round 1
17th Delves Lane travelled to Scarbrough for the first
round of the senior national 5 a side on 10th January, and qualified
for the semi finals by winning all 4 games played, scoring 23 goals
and conceding only 1.
November 29, 2008 - National Masterteam Quiz : Round 1
2nd Consett travelled to Teeside to take part in their first National
Competition of the year. The quiz was very close all the way through
until the last round. Consett were delighted to finish in second place,
which was enough to see them into the next round. The final result
was, 4th Carlisle 53 points, 2nd Consett 49.5 points, 17th Teeside
48.5 points, 2nd Scarborough 36.5 points and 4th Hartlepool 36
points. Thanks to 17th Teeside for their usual excellent
November 25, 2008 - Company Section Pool
We played host to the Battalion Company Section Pool. There
were 5 teams from 3 companies taking part. The competition went well
with Lanchester finishing in first place, we were second and Delves
Lane were third.
November 11, 2008 - Company Section Darts
The Battalion competitions have finally started after the
unfortunate postponement of the first two competitions of the year.
2nd Consett played host to the Battalion Company Section Darts.
There were three companies in the competition with a total of five
teams. It was another good night of competition with Lanchester
winning the competition and Consett finishing second and Delves Lane
June 25, 2008 - Battalion Junior Section Field Day
An excellent evening was enjoyed by the boys and officers
from 3 companies at St Bede's School, Lanchester. The warm evening
sun added to the evening, which was won by 14th Lanchester, with
17th Delves Lane coming second and 1st Catchgate in third place.
Many thanks to the officers of Lanchester for organising the event
and to Phyllis for doing the scoring
June 10, 2008 - Battalion Ceremonial Drill
2nd Consett hosted the Battalion Ceremonial Drill
competition, the winners of which have the honour of carrying the
Battalion Colours at the Founder's Day Service. Unfortunately 2nd
Consett were the only company competing this year. They did,
however, complete the moves laid down for the competition and were
judged by a local ATC officer. 2nd Consett retain the colours for
the coming session.
May 19, 2008 - Battalion Cross Country
Catchgate hosted the annual Battalion Cross Country
competition once again this year. There was a pretty good turn out
for the competition with four companies taking part. The Junior
Section Competition was won by 2nd Consett and the Company Section
competition was won by Delves Lane. The overall competition was won
by 2nd Consett. The Full results are as follows :- Junior Section,
1st Consett, 2nd Delves Lane, 3rd Lanchester and 4th Catchgate.
Company Section, 1st Delves Lane, 2nd Consett, 3rd Lanchester and
4th Catchgate.
May 15, 2008 - Junior Section 7 A-Side
The Battalion Junior Section 7 A-Side competition took
place at St Bedes school in Lanchester. The competition was won by
14th Lanchester with 17th Delves Lane in second place and 2nd
Consett in third place.
April 28, 2008 - Junior Section Unihoc
Despite the showery weather, we managed to get the unihoc played
between showers and it was a very close competition due to the damp
surface. The lads all seemed to have a good time though, even though
only one game gave a positive result and only 5 goals scored all
night. Result:1st - Consett, 2nd - Lanchester, 3rd - Delves Lane.
April 26, 2008 - National Senior 5 A-Side Final
(Report from Captain of Delves Lane) "The 17th Delves Lane travelled to
Edinburgh on Saturday 26th April to play in the National Senior 5 a
Side Finals at the Scottish Cricket Academy. However the hall which
is used for Cricket and Hockey was larger than a normal 5 a side
pitch, and we suffered from just having one substitute.
We began against our English rivals, the 70th London, and in a close
game lost 2 - 0. Next we played 6/8th Dundee and won quite
comfortably, although only by 1 - 0. Next though we played 2nd
Castlederg following only one game rest, and tired in the second
half and lost the game 3 - 1. The 4/5th Kilmarnock were next, and in
a very close game we tired again toward the end and lost 4 - 2.
Finally we faced 2nd Gourock (Scottish Champions for the last 2
years), knowing that if we could avoid defeat, we would force them
to a play off match against London and hopefully bring the cup back
to England at least.
The lads gave their best performance of the day, cheered all the way
by every Englishman in the centre.
We pulled off a credible draw 1 - 1, after leading for most of the
Gourock went on to win the play off against London, but only after
extra time with a golden goal, making it a very exciting finish.
The good news is that we were the youngest team there, so there is
hope for next year I think."
April 12, 2008 - National Table Tennis Round 5
2nd Consett played host to 1st Burton in Kendal in the 5th round of the
National Table Tennis competition. They have played 1st Burton a
number of times in the past and Burton have always proved to be too
strong for Consett. Today was no exception. A very good Burton team won
9-0 and will now progress to the National Finals. We would like to
wish them the best of luck in the final.
April 03, 2008 - Company Section Scripture Quiz
17th Delves Lane hosted the competition. There were only two teams
in the competition. The questions were set and asked by Andrew
Murphy, a BB Officer who is in training to become a minister. It was
a very good competition that 14th Lanchester won, with 2nd Consett
in second place.
March 22, 2008 - National 5 A-Side (Senior)
17th Delves Lane were playing in Group B at the JJB Soccerdome at
Trafford Park, Manchester. (Report from Captain of Delves Lane).
"The group also contained companies from Manchester, West Bromwich,
Liverpool, Warrington and Nottingham.
First game was against Warrington, a big physical side, and we were
2 - 0 down by half time, but once we got our passing going and got
used to the court, we ran out 3 - 2 winners, and then went on to
beat West Bromwich and Liverpool quite comfortably. Nottingham was
not so straight forward though and were so similar in style to us
that we cancelled each other out and drew 0 - 0. So it all came down
to the last two matches of the day. Warrington drew, leaving it down
to us or Manchester. We went into the game knowing that a draw would
be good enough to see us into the Final. In a close game, we won 2 -
1, and are now looking forward to the Finals in Scotland on 26th
March 15, 2008 - National Table Tennis, Round 4
2nd Consett travelled to the 4th Hartlepool Company for the 4th
round of the National Table Tennis competition. 2nd Consett won the
tie 6-3 and will now host 1st Burton in Kendal in Round 5. Round 5
is the semi final stage of the competition.
March 10, 2008 - Junior Section Scripture Quiz
17th Delves Lane hosted the competition. Three teams took part.
Lanchester finished as winners with Consett in second place and
Delves Lane in third.
March 04, 2008 - Company Section Basic Drill
2nd Consett hosted the Battalion Basic Drill. 14th Lanchester won
the competition, 2nd Consett were runners up. Two teams took part
February 12, 2008 - Junior Section Indoor Games
2nd Consett hosted the Battalion Junior Section Indoor Games. Four
companies took part in the competition. The competition was close
all of the way through with Lanchester finishing as winners. Delves
Lane were second, Blackhill third and Consett finished in fourth.
This was the best attendance at this competition for a few years.
February 5, 2008 - Company Section Table Tennis
2nd Consett played host to the Battalion for the Company Section
Table Tennis competition. There we five teams representing three
companies in the competition. After a long night of table tennis 2nd
Consett A team finished as winners having won all of their games.
Lanchester A team finished as runners up with Delves Lane in third
January 29, 2008 - Junior Section General Knowledge Quiz
11th South Moor hosted the competition. Three teams took part in an
enjoyable competition. Lanchester won the competition with Blackhill
in second place and Delves lane in third place.
November 20, 2007 - Company Section Pool
2nd Consett hosted the Battalion 8 Ball Pool competition. Once again
there were 5 teams representing 3 companies. 2nd Consett finished in
first place with Lanchester in second and Delves Lane in third.
November 13, 2007 - Junior Section Olympiad
The 5th Blackhill hosted the Junior Section Olympiad. Four companies
took part in the competition which was won by the hosts Blackhill.
Consett finished in second, Lanchester third and Delves Lane in
November 6, 2007 - Company & Senior Section Darts
The first company and senior section competition took place at
Consett and it was the Battalion Darts competition. There were three
companies involved in the competition with two of the companies
entering two teams. It was an excellent competition with Delves Lane
finishing as winners, Consett as runners up with Lanchester in
September 24, 2007 - Junior Section 5 A-Side
The first Battalion competition has taken place. Delves Lane hosted
the Junior Section 5 A-Side competition. Unfortunately there were
only three teams able to take part, but that did not stop the lads
who were there from having a good night. The competition was won by
Lanchester with Consett in second place and Delves Lane in third.