North West Durham Battalion - 14th Lanchester
Anchor Boys, Thursday 18:00 - 19:00
Junior Section, Wednesday 18:15 - 19:30
Company and Senior Section, Thursday 19:30 - 21:30
Captain :- Vicky Davison
Website :- 14th Lanchester
Church :- Lanchester Methodist Church
Notes :- The 14th Lanchester Company was first enrolled at Croft View Methodist Church on 30th November 1929, with Charles Brown as the captain; currently it’s Geoff Martin. Melvin Brown was the stalwart of the company (and Battalion Secretary) for many years and started the Life Boys (Junior Section) in 1947; the present leader is Amos Morris. In 1982 Mrs Marjorie Hughes and 3 lady helpers formed the Anchor Boys section; the current leader is Eleanor Johnson. Past officers and old boys include Rt Hon Ernest Armstrong MP and Councillor Syd Dixon (Chairman of Derwentside Council on 2 occasions). Centenary Camp for the Worldwide BB at Scone Palace was attended by Sergeants Gavin Dixon and Graeme Carr, both of who, with David Ledger, also paraded at the Royal Review by the Queen at Holyrood Palace, Edinburgh. In 1995 we reached the BB Masterteam finals in Fife, and in a ceremony attended by a founder officer (Jack Hepplewhite) and members (Peter Cain and Andrew Jobling), the Lord Lieutenant of the County presented Jamie Andrew, Ian Harrison, Karl Hepplewhite, Ian Holmes, Colin Joyce and Adam Morris with Queen’s Badges. Since then, Steven Elliott, Peter Brown and Malcolm Clarke have also achieved this award. In 1983 Eric Skipsey organised the first Lanchester BB Fun Run. It became a truly village event enjoyed by all for 15 years, raising a lot of money for various local charities. Camps in Denmark were organised and led by Lt Eric Hepplewhite in 1992 and 1994.